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Showing posts with the label vacation travel tips

How to Control Your Fear of Heights and Flying Phobia

Many people have a fear of heights and are reluctant to travel by plane. Flying Phobia or fear of flying even claimed to occur in one out of six people. Yet according to a study conducted by the U.S. National Safety Council, the course of using the air line is relatively safer than the road trip. Additionally, traveling by plane is certainly faster relative should overland or sea. Panic attacks, dizziness, and breathless are some things that are commonly experienced by people with a Flying Phobia or   Pteromerhanophobia . But with discipline, most people can conquer his flying phobia. Here are some techniques and strategies to overcome the flying phobia, quoted from Smart Life Style. Control your Flying Phobia Deep breathing is the first thing you should do because it can slow the adrenaline working worsen panic attacks. Breath deeply can distract you from the thoughts underlying fear is happening and gives control over your physical reaction. Another way is to '...