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Showing posts with the label Beauty Beaches

How to get to Raja Ampat Papua for Backpacker's

Many people want to travel to Raja Ampat in West Papua , but didn't know how to go there and how much is the budget. tries to calculate How much the budget you will spend on a backpacker-style trip to Raja Ampat Indonesia and how to go there'. How do you get to Raja Ampat? What are the options? Fly to Sorong in West Papua Province of Indonesia (You can also go there by boat.) Fly directly from Manado to Waisai in Raja Ampat. From Sorong Take a taxi from the airport to Sorong Ferry Port. Then board one of the ferries to Waisai (or you can choose to fly if you prefer). From Waisai Meet the boat that picks you (or try to find a ride) at the homestay boat harbor How to Achieve Sorong The flight info presented here is intended for international travelers seeking the fastest route to Raja Ampat from outside Indonesia and ignoring flights to Sorong from airports not served by international flights (such as Ambon, Jayapura, etc.). Domine Eduard

The underwater beauty of Bunaken

The beauty of  Bunaken National Marine Park has been known to the world. diversity of marine fish and corals seem to be a magnet for the world's travelers to visit the island, also known as the City of old Manado. Bunaken is an island located at the northern tip of the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. Sulawesi Island is known the world over as Celebes Island. Bunaken Island is famous for its natural beauty underwater. various kinds and colors of coral reefs and other marine creatures diversity makes bunaken as one destination for foreign tourists holidaying in Indonesia other than Bali. White sand beach on the island of Bunaken also be one reason for tourists to take a holiday there. the friendliness of local residents as well as supporting tourism facilities, giving satisfaction to the local and foreign tourists. How to Get to Bunaken Island? As a place that has been widely recognized internationally, transportation access to the tourist attractions Bunaken Marine Park

India Romantic Honeymoon Destination

India is known as an exotic country that many tourists from around the world choose it as a tourist destination. Culture became one of the main attractions. Not only just traveled, many of them foreign tourists, particularly in Asia who choose India as a honeymoon destination that is more efficient. No less than romantic cities such as Rome and Italy, some regions in the country has an exotic charm and would make a great honeymoon destination. Here are three of them as quoted from Times of india: India Best Honeymoon Destination Coorg, Honeymoon Destination Coorg is known as Scotland of India. Where the green hilly area known as Kodagu district which is somewhat isolated. Coorg Kodagu District can be accessed through the city of Bangalore, Mangalore and Mysore, this area has so many tourist facilities and things to do such as elephants in Dubare Elephant camp and stunning views of the falls near Madikeri. Orange County Hotel is one recommended hotel in this area. Set in t

Necker Island, Worth Adventures of Sir Richard Branson Island

Need an unforgettable vacation experience ? Try an adventure safari. Watching the play off wild animals accompanied by charming meadows and woods, really exciting . As there is a time machine that threw themselves into the wild life of the forest . The atmosphere as it is usually found in African countries such as Zimbabwe, Kenya, or Tanzania. Not many people know, there is a dash of "Africa" is hidden in the Caribbean ocean. Planted on Necker Island, such as foot and mingle with the real Africa. Mahali Mzuri Review Luxury Lodging at Necker Island Island area of ​​300 thousand square meters under the banner of the British Virgin Islands. A British entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson , as the Island owner. He created a feel of the African island complete with luxury lodging Mahali Mzuri that blends with nature . From there, visitors can gaze dramatic landscapes that support African wildlife. The view was stunning many people in the world, including celebrities.

Down the beauty of 10 World Best Beaches

Secluded beaches in Sicily, Italy, was named the best beach in the world by a survey by Tripadvisor. The beach is called Rabbit Beach is topped and received the first annual award for the best beaches in the world based on millions of reviews and ratings by international travelers in TripAdvisor page. "Rabbit Beach is definitely a favorite tourist destination and the reason is the stunning white sand and turquoise sea," said TripAdvisor spokeswoman Emma Shaw as quoted by Reuters news agency. She also added that the awards received Rabbit Beach will boost tourism Sicily. Rabbit Beach is located on the island of Lampedusa, off the southern coast of Sicily, described as pristine nature reserve which is only accessible by boat. The beach is also one of the few places in the Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles are often called on to spawn. Best beach runner by Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. While Whitehaven Beach Queensland, Australia finished thi