Do you want to take a vacation in New Zealand? It's a Right choice if you choose New Zealand as a destination for family tourism. This Country presents a million beautiful different nature views. and One of that is Tekapo Lake. Tekapo Lake is the second largest lake located along the northern edge of the Mackenzie Basin, New zealand. For landscape photography lovers, tekapo lake is like a heaven on earth with breathtaking view. The beauty of the snowy mountains and blue lake right in front of your eyes at Tekapo Lake. You will also be greeted Lupin Russel beautiful flower beds. In each year, in mid-November to December, Russell Lupin flowers are in full bloom. The tourists called it a perennial flower. Russell Lupin or Lupinus Polyphyllus is an exotic plant that can grow up to 1.5 meters with blossom colors. Imagine, you will be pedestrianized beauty of the colors blue, purple, orange, yellow, pink, and white standing in the narrow streets toward the lake. Flowers ...
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