Many people want to travel to Raja Ampat in West Papua , but didn't know how to go there and how much is the budget. tries to calculate How much the budget you will spend on a backpacker-style trip to Raja Ampat Indonesia and how to go there'. How do you get to Raja Ampat? What are the options? Fly to Sorong in West Papua Province of Indonesia (You can also go there by boat.) Fly directly from Manado to Waisai in Raja Ampat. From Sorong Take a taxi from the airport to Sorong Ferry Port. Then board one of the ferries to Waisai (or you can choose to fly if you prefer). From Waisai Meet the boat that picks you (or try to find a ride) at the homestay boat harbor How to Achieve Sorong The flight info presented here is intended for international travelers seeking the fastest route to Raja Ampat from outside Indonesia and ignoring flights to Sorong from airports not served by international flights (such as Ambon, Jayapura, etc.). Domine Eduard ...
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